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Oboro () is one of the primary returning antagonists in the Taimanin Asagi visual novel series.

She is the arch enemy of Asagi, leader of the ONT, subordinates to Edwin Black, executive of Nomad and master of the first Chaos Arena. "Oboro" is the revived body of the Taimanin, Koukawa Oboro that had been demonized and is missing the original soul. After TA1, she has been revived once more, as a vampire.


Oboro is a criminal psychopath, lacking empathy and gets sadistic joy humiliating others. She gains extreme satisfaction and pleasure for causing other people humiliation and pain, making her act like a sadistic dominatrix.

She is arrogant, vindictive and gets unhinged violent if things don't go her way. Furthermore, she seeks power but does so underhanded, not to become a clear target. She is like her "original" has a mocking tone and smile on her lips all the time, and tries to remain cool and controlled, while breaking others but as mentioned if confronted by an unmoving object to her torture turns aggressive.

Oboro, hates being manipulated above all else and rather is the one doing the manipulating. Oboro forms short term alliances with promises, that she will break later on for her own selfish gain or for fun. Overall she can be very crafty but can be blindsided by people, she thought she broke, as her people reading skills can be lacking. She is often called old as an insult and does seem to be older than Asagi but also lies or hides her age, which implies it does bother her.

Her devotion, fear and love for Edwin Black can be unsteady, it is implied at times, she has no interest in the world resetting unlike Fürst. Her hate for Asagi is extreme to the point of it being an obsession, not just because of implanted memories but also her personal experience, which makes any cooperation impossible. Oboro will often disobey or find loopholes in orders, just to hurt Asagi more or to make sure she cannot get in her way.

She is not self-aware enough to understand why her employees sometimes leave, which find her cartoonishly evil side and torture styles, overkill. Though uncharacteristic, she seems to find some normal joy in taking care of a stray cat. Though she does not show it directly, she has also a soft spot for slum children. Possibly because of lingering memories of the soul, that was used to revive her and also hired some of them into her ONT.


Name Relationship status
Asagi Oboro has an insane amount of hate against Asagi. To the point that killing her is not enough, she holds a deep grudge for being killed by Asagi when she was the leader of the OFA. She also dislikes her, since Black is fixated on Asagi. Asagi viewed Oboro as her arch enemy, but over the years only views her as more and more pathetic. Both women taunt each other a lot and insult each other, in almost all situations. When Asagi is broken, Oboro might keep her as a pet, but most likely disposes her later on.
Edwin Black She loves, fears and follows Black command, but will at times talk out of line which result in punishments. Black sees her as useful, but finds her methods overly cruel and crude, having little personal interest in her outside of her use of turning into Asagi to his side.
Ingrid Both women hate each other. Ingrid mocks Oboro's constant failures and thinks she is unfit for Black. While Oboro thinks much of the same. Oboro later will capture Ingrid and mind controls her into being a slave prostitute, enjoying the humiliation she can cause. After Oboro's death, Ingrid is probably freed and not too pleased.
Fürst She mocks Fürst a lot and finds him humorous but sees his use. Both conspire to take down Ingrid, seeing her as unfit for Black. As Fürst was responsible for her creation, he sees her constant mocks and working for her, as a grave crime against himself. After reconfirming that Oboro doesn't agree with Edwin Black's end goal, their allegiance breaks, and he tries to kill her, which results in his own death.
Sakura Oboro views Sakura as a cute slave, finding enjoyment of torturing her, as it also brings pain to Asagi.

She views Sakura more than a means to an end than a real person. Sakura holds a grudge against Oboro as well, but her main concern is saving her sister.

Obo Cat Oboro takes care of this cat. Showing her softer side, as she probably feels some kindred spirit with it. Obo Cat seems to like Oboro and the snacks it gets.
Mayifeng Oboro just like her original self, does not get along with Meifeng. Edwin Black, mentioning that she wishes to kill her sister herself.

Meifeng in turn, which uses a fake name, has stolen some of her troops in the past and shares her dislike.

Teutates In RPGX, Oboro follows the hidden orders of Teutates begrudgingly. She is viewed as a useful tool and daughter by him.

However, Oboro sabotages the plans of Teutates if she can do so without anybody knowing.


Oboro has pink/violet short hair with a bob head cut. She has smaller to medium breasts. She has red lips and violet/purple eyes.

She wears a red battle suit with a V cut.


Oboro Ninja Troops defeated by Asagi


Oboro, is the leftover body of Koukawa Oboro, revived with demonic cells and twisted into a shadow of her former self.

Koukawa Oboro, was the Taimanin leader of the Koukawa clan, which was massacred years before Taimanin Asagi 1. As a mentor of Koukawa Asuka, that was kidnapped by Black, Oboro challenged Black to a fight and in exchange Asuka would be left alone. Losing the fight with Black, her body was taken but using her soul transfer ability, she escaped the now soul and Ninja Art-less body. Edwin Black took the body and gave it to Fürst to animate and brainwash it with hell technology. Implanting a demonic soul and false memory in her, created at this point "evil" Oboro. That "body" Oboro now hated her former Taimanin allies like Asagi and was loyal to Black and Nomad. Though at this point still lacking a Ninja Art, Oboro still was much stronger than most Taimanin. Establishing the Oboro Ninja Troops, which in secret worked under Nomad, she's murdering Gosha Taimanin. This ONT Conflict came to an end, 3 years before the events of TA1, in the year 2069. Asagi confronted Oboro regardless of an ambush and defeated her in combat. However, Black is able to revive the body once again, giving her even more demonic cells. For the next 3 years, Oboro also is given additional abilites thanks to Fürst including crude body possession and the Hypnotic Eye. An art which could stop and control the movement of others, if they held on to an object that Oboro gave them. Her hate and resentment only grew from this point on, making the matter between her and Asagi personal.

Visual Novels[]

Asagi vs Oboro
Oboro Madam

Now assigned as the master of the Chaos Arena, an illegal Colosseum of Nomad, Oboro started to kill Taimanin once more in the year 2072. However, her real goal was to push the retired Asagi to become active again, a plan of Nomad and the Igawa Elder. Luring Asagi's boyfriend Sawaki Kyousuke into a trap, Oboro fused with his body and took over his mind. Oboro was able to, afterwards, take down Asagi, giving her a ring while she was disguised as Kyousuke, which could be used as a catalyst of her power. When Oboro revealed herself, her Hypnotic Art paralyzed Asagi. Asagi became a captive in the Chaos Arena, and was at first conventionally tortured, which did not bring any results, thanks to Asagi's mental resistance.

Using Body Modification, which she let Kiryu Sabato perform on Asagi, she could counter Asagi's pain resistance by attacking her lust instead. Oboro started her quest to humiliate Asagi, putting her against her female gladiators including Masked Woman, Power Lady and Snake Lady but interrupting the fights with her Hypnotic Art, making sure Asagi never could win. The fight, with Snake Lady, is shown more in Taimanin Asagi Chaos Arena, including the punishment, in a public train.

Oboro and Sakura

As by the rules of the arena, the loser would suffer sexual punishment and as such Oboro, used large demons or the audience to break Asagi. Recordings of those events were also spread on criminal websites, to make Asagi's humiliation even greater and create income for the Chaos Arena.

On top of that with the help of the Elder and Byg, an orc associate, Oboro baited Sakura, the sister of Asagi to attack her. Though Sakura, took down some of their men, she was unable to fight Oboro, which had not only Kyousuke as a hostage by "being him" but also strength far above that of an untrained Taimanin. Performing the same body modification which increased sensitivity 3000 times, she used Sakura just as a tool to make Asagi suffer and feel even more boxed in, but did not know that Sakura, had been hiding a Ninja Art of her own, just waiting to use it at the right moment.

Though Black wished to see Asagi be corrupted, Oboro planned that both sisters would either kill each other or become so damaged, that they would be useless outside of being orc toys.

Oboro VS Asagi and Sakura
Chaos Arena Victory

On the day of the final fight, Oboro explained the rules of the dual, which would end with either of them dead, and the other one free to go. Something that suited Black's plan to remove Asagi's humanity but not Oboro's goal which did not want to either of them leave and planned to use her art, to make sure they would both kill each other, when the time came.

However, the sister themselves also made up a plan, and faked their fight well enough to get closer to Oboro. Using Sakura's shadow art, Sakura was able to disappear unnoticed into the shade of Asagi, which turned heel and attacked Oboro with her super speed. Oboro, could stop Asagi's movement but not Sakura, which moved out of Asagi's shadow and sliced her in the stomach, this interrupted the Hypnotic Art, long enough that Asagi was able to move and though regretfully, she sliced Oboro apart, knowing this also meant the death of her lover Sawaki Kosuke.

The Taimanin were allowed to leave by Edwin Black, which still viewed the matter a success as Asagi, was able to kill her own boyfriend even if just as collateral damage

Oboro 4

Gene samples of Oboro, find their way to one of Nomads competitors, Dragon Gate, who later clone her. It can be assumed this is due to Kiryu Sabato playing all sides, and his cooperation with Dragon Gate is later revealed in TM. Four year after the Chaos Arena, in year 2076, the clone grows in power and even is put in charge of a Dragon Gate hideout, using a powerful bioweapon to protect herself even from Edwin Black. However, Asagi and Sakura arrive in Tokyo Kingdom to investigate Dragon Gate and the bioweapon is destroyed.

Oboro and Clone Oboro

Clone Oboro, tries to escape in the tunnels, but both Edwin Black and "Oboro", stop her. Oboro, herself, was revived once again by Edwin Black, this time as a Vampire, which increased her strength a bit further. Vampire Oboro then kills her clone and takes her place in Nomad once more, Asagi at some point learning afterwards that Oboro is still alive

Vampire Oboro then kills her clone and takes her place in Nomad once more, Asagi at some point learning afterwards that Oboro is still alive.

Year 2080, before Taimanin Asagi 3, Oboro encounters Asuka which was adopted by Asagi together with her former lover's brother (Sawaki). Asuka attacked Black for destroying the clan but was badly hurt and lost her limbs, Oboro was ordered to kill her, and she showed, no hesitation but was stopped by her real "soul", a masked Koukawa Oboro in another body. Which rescued Asuka, and afterwards joined the Masked Taimanin in the DSO.

In the main events of TA3, year 2082, Oboro worked together with Fürst to capture Asagi, through her adopted son (Sawaki Kosuke). Oboro and Fürst's plan was it to hide in Gosha Academy as staff and corrupt Kousuke by giving him a Ninja Art, he always wanted. Fürst playing the role of a doctor, which only wanted to study Ninja Art awakening, and required the help of Kosuke by taking his experimental medication. A ruse, which only put Kosuke to sleep, a Koukawa clan Bedroom Art which Fürst had taken from a clan member he killed, was implanted into Kosuke with additional changes. Pushing Kosuke to use the art on Asagi, so his desires could come true, resulted in step two of the plan, as Asagi grew pregnant with a demonic seed. This demonic "child", could then be controlled by turning Kosuke into a meatball and using him like a remote control for Asagi. The plan worked and Asagi and Kosuke had the demonic child and Kosuke was turned into a meatball. However, when Oboro was ready to cut the limbs of Asagi, to move her back to base, Kosuke remained sane enough and awoke in his rage to his real own Ninja Art, a metal art which controlled objects. Using the chaos of objects flying around to buy enough time for help to arrive. Oboro, was attacked by Yatsu Murasaki but was saved by Ingrid, which helped Fürst, Oboro and the new hostage Kosuke to escape.

Demon Asagi Vs Oboro

Though the demon seed was removed from Asagi, Oboro still had Kosuke as a hostage and planned to find use for him, as his mind was swallowed by darkness. Much later, while Gosha Academy is under the rule of the Kanda Brigade, Asagi is defeated by Black and is brought to Yomihara. Oboro is given again control of Asagi's training and places a Slave Crest on her, a more strict form of control. Some aspects now vary depending on the route. Oboro has not manipulated things as much and Yatsu Murasaki and Igawa Sakura now Demonized fight against Asagi in their final match. Oboro, tries to hinder Asagi but is killed when Asagi uses her Kage transformation. This in the end leads to the Vampire Asagi Ending of Asagi's Route.

Oboro 10

Alternatively Oboro goes through additional steps, both Oboro and Fürst also sneak a surprise attack against Ingrid and put a Slave Crest on Ingrid as well, which makes Ingrid nothing but a tool for Oboro to suggest things to Black. When Fürst, now also wishes to take down his partner in all of this, he attacks her with an "Injuu", but she is able to redirect the loyal beast and kill Fürst instead. Oboro request, through Ingrid, that Murasaki and Sakura should not be demonized fully but just be turned into slaves as punishment, so she gains no rivals. Oboro also takes a small squad to take down the DSO by attacking the Orange Industry Building, as her "soul" the leader of that local group had died, something that Oboro noticed. Using the workers of the DSO and "meatball" adopted brother of Asuka as hostages. Oboro then left Kosuke with two pawns, Ishiyama Takuto and Ishiyama Ryoji, that took care of the training of Asuka, while she herself returned to Yomihara to overlook Asagi's training.

In the true ending, Asagi is ready to just die in her battle with Asuka as she can't kill her daughter, just as Oboro planned. However, Asuka is able to free herself from control and save Kosuke, as well as Murasaki and Sakura. Using Ishiyama Takuto as a hidden hostage, with pockets full of explosives rockets, Asuka sends him to stand close to Oboro. As the match between Asagi and Asuka begins, Asuka fakes her fight with Asagi until Takuto that stands next to Oboro. At which point, she remotely activated the missiles and the resulting explosion takes out Oboro on the spot, without her able to react in time. Freeing Asagi from Oboro's slave seal and making later victory against Black possible.

In the main canon, this counts as her canon death of Oboro.

Timeline TABA[]

Oboro 9

TA3 does not take place. Plays between 2082 and around 2086.

Oboro is still alive and a vampire in that timeline, she at times works together with the Fuuma Organization while not fully disclosing this to Nomad. Oboro, hires Kotaro to take care of an of Demon Murasaki, a forced transformation of Murasaki with the help of a Philosopher's Stone, though it is by Edwin Black wishes, and could connect realms. Oboro, seems to work against Black in this case and sabotages the matter to keep the world intact. However, this turns out to be the Masked Taimanin which disguises herself as Oboro. In truth one of their first encounters is much later, in whcih she attacks both Fuuma Tokiko and Fuuma Kotaro (TABA).

Edwin Black himself also mentions Oboro, when fighting Li Mayfeng, not wishing to kill Li, as Oboro herself would rather do so. Both of them, have been later confirmed to be sisters, though this might be more true for the original Koukawa Oboro.

Oboro appears as an enemy, trying to steal the love potion chocolate of Fuuma Tokiko in Amidahara, year 2083. As Tokiko just bought it from Neu Eazlane, Neu hires Asagi to make sure that Oboro does not bother her. As Oboro is forced to flee, she is taken out by Neu Eazlane herself, that punishes her in an unseen way. Oboro, makes contact with Fuuma Kotaro (TABA), year 2085, as the younger version of Igawa Sakura (ZERO) is taken from his Fuuma Organization. Oboro, strikes a deal with Kotaro at Lost Eden Hotel and allows him to sneak in to find information on Fürst. as she wants to see Fürst captured or killed, and he is responsible for Sakura kidnapping.

As Fürst was at Lost Eden himself but is able to escape with his magic, Oboro makes contact with Kotaro again and asks for Witch Tears, with which she can create a "spell" that tracks Fürst like a GPS. Kotaro wants to obtain the tears of a more powerful witch, to make sure the spell will work right and gets them from Lilith Abel Bindernagel, Oboro finishes afterwards the spell that takes the form of a small bottle with liquid. Regardless of their cooperation, the Fuuma Organization strikes a large scale attack against Nomad, while Oboro is also under attack. At the end of this attack, Fürst is defeated, Sakura recoverd, and most of Oboro's territory taken, with Fuuma also now obtaining Tokyo Kingdom.

As it fits her own personal interests, she tends to never pay Fuuma Kotaro for any jobs or captures him in some "What If" events. They come into conflict a few times, but otherwise she seems to play all sides as usual.

In the year 2086, Mizuki Yukikaze and Fuuma Kotaro (TABA) are sent on a cooperative mission to observe the fake boss of Task Force G, which had been replaced by Nomad. Oboro disguised herself as Catejina and captures Kotaro with Yukikaze getting help. This all concludes with the final battle in which, Oboro escapes as Fuuma Tokiko arrives with the help of Minasaki and allied forces of DSO, Taimanin and Fuuma Organization.

She is later seen in the epilogue world enoying a bit of vacation next to Ingrid.

Timeline RPGX[]

Obo Cat and Oboro

TA3 does not take place, TA1 and the ONT conflict might have not occurred. Plays starting in the year 2082, for multiple years.

Oboro is still alive and maybe is a vampire in that timeline, she is encountered in some events. She also adopted a stray cat, "Obo Cat", which she takes care of.

The Koukawa Massacre occurred in the year 2073, in which Koukawa Oboro left her body behind. Unlike in most continuities, the massacre was caused not by the vampire King Edwin Black but Wraith King Teutates. Teutates being the result of the TABA Reset, calling himself the "True Black". Oboro, was again created thanks to Fürst, which also worked in this timeline as one of Teutates agents. Both Oboro and Fürst, were then sent to Edwin Black of Nomad, to work undercover and sabotage the opposing organization. However, Oboro which thanks to her demonic soul and her own personal drive hated to be controlled, tried to lowkey resist the orders given to her.

She is first seen year 2083, in a short cameo with Hestia, in which she and Ingrid, force the Task Force G agent to stay out of Yomihara. Seen also again in a short exchange in 2084, with Frances in the streets of Yomihara. Oboro has her first bigger appearence, during the events involving Ame-no-Uzume, in the year 2085. In which, Oboro at home struggles to keep one of her businesses running without her coworkers abandoning her out of fear, trying to keep the club running herself, using a cheerleader outfit also proves unsuccessful at first. Somewhat depressed on her way home, she sees an abandoned cat, and out of a mix of pity and familiarity takes her in. During that time, she makes her way to Maihime Island, as a Demon Gate might be active on it and Nomad tries to take control. However, both the Independent Rangers as well as the idol ACO are on the island as well. The gate had been kept close by the goddess of dance, Ame-no-Uzume, in exchange for a festival of dance. However, as the island became abandoned the seal became weaker and Miasma started to flow from the gate. As ACO, not in the know of the situation just wants to do a dance competition to grow the popularity of her home island, Oboro took ACO hostage and rushed to the caves with the Demon Gate. Pushing her in the water to drown, ACO was saved by Ame-no-Uzume which took over her body. Originally hostile, after a dance "fight" with the Taimanin and Oboro, Ame-no-Uzume was powered up once more and re-sealed the Demon Gate. No longer useful for Oboro, the Nomad members left but also Oboro also picked up new skills she wished to use in her own club.

Oboro Cheerleader

Oboro helps in financing a small theater show for slum children but keeps this a secret, mostly feeling some unclear connection to the abdoned children because of her demonic half demon soul. The show, performed by Selvia Rosemary becomes a target of Oboro's higher ups in the Wraith group. Wight herself, sents one of her generals after Selvia but is stopped again in secret by Oboro. As Oboro's loyality is questioned, and she is reminded that her soul is ultimately controlled by Teutates. Oboro claiming she needed to save Selvia to save face and protect her cover in Nomad, as if she let stuff like this happen on her turf, Ingrid could suspect something.

During christmas, Alma the Witch one of Oboro's subordinates makes a deal with Warren Trading Company to create a trap for the Rogue Taimanin, Yuri. Alma herself hoped to use the money and power gained by this to take out other figures in the ONT, and gain influence. Instead, she was killed by Oboro as a traitor.

In year 2086, she appears in the showfight of Cervantes and Fuuma Kotaro. However, a bigger role comes with her in later events in which, she is forced to let troops of the Wraith into Yomihara, allowing Revenant Knight, Elvira to enter. As the Wraith/Corpse Lord, has allies within Task Force G, she is also forced to give passage to Ares and Resurrection, which aim to assassinate Ingrid. As an act of defiance, Oboro lets one of her subordinates of the ONT, give information to Lina so she can rush in to protect Ingrid.

As Fürst connection to the Wraith King, became revealed and Oboro was suspected, it did not take long for Nomad, Independent Rangers and even the Nisha Ninja Troops to kill Fürst. However, Oboro's somewhat double agent action had also be revealed and she was put under house arrest by Ingrid.

Unknown to Oboro, Ingrid and the Taimanin, work out a deal, in order to smoke out the troops of Teutates. They make a semi-public transport of Oboro to Amidahara Prison, in the year 2087. Guarded by Alectra and other Nomad members for her sabotage, they know that the Wraith would want her back. On her way is attacked by the Wraith, Lady Shark holding Oboro's soul, to make sure she follows the command, as they do not trust Oboro fully either and wish to further her brainwashing if needed. However, as the bait and trap snaps, "Black Cat Teacher", defeated Lady Shark and took Oboro's soul herself.

With the Landshark's group revealed as loyal to the Wraith, Nomad cleans out their hideout. Oboro in turn, is allowed to return to Nomad herself and join the upper ranks, as her loyality to the Wraith Lord was forced and with her soul in the hands of the Taimanin, she is no longer a threat. Oboro, afterward supports Nomads effort with her troops to get rid of more of wraiths.

Demonic Soul

In RPGX, additional backstory for her demonic soul exists. Her soul came from a half-demon street girl in Yomihara. The unnamed girl was half beaten to death and seemed to have been viewed as useless for criminals, laying in a back alley. The Corpse Lord arrived shortly after in armor, promising her peace and absorbed her body. The girl quickly rejecting the wraith but unable to move. The Lord of the Dead would then give the girl's soul to Fürst which secretly worked together with him. As stated before, that soul was then implanted into the corpse of Koukawa Oboro.

To keep Oboro under closer control, as her loyality was questioned. Her fake soul was taken and given to Wight, found her way to Lady Shark and in the end the hands of the Taimanin. The soul, can be kept outside of Oboro's body, without a negative effect.

Timeline Action[]

Oboro affection

TA3 does not take place.

Oboro is still alive and a vampire in that timeline, she worked together with Momochi Toyo. As the Taimanin learned of the connection to the Venam Liberation Armed Forces to Toyo, Oboro killed the Japanese branch and local leader Nguyen Van Dan, to hinder Taimanin investigation. She was captured by Fuuma Kotaro and the Taimanin Task Force but was able to escape days after this, while CD Virus Zombie's were active in Gosha Academy.

Oboro is later seen defending a Nomad base that is under siege of the Taimanin Task Force and a Death Wraith attack force of the Death Wraith King. However, together with Ingrid, is saved when Edwin Black arrives.

As Death Wraith King and Vampire King begin to fight, Astaroth also arrives and turns the conflict into a brawl. Oboro and Ingrid, try to stop the other Taimanin from forming a plan to defeat Black with the help of the other two nobles. When Ingrid, suffers a heavy injury, Oboro stops her from self-sacrifice and forces her to escape with her.

With the defeat of Edwin Black and his recovery needs, Nomad enters a few weeks of chaos. Fürst wishes to use Oboro as a pawn, to raise his standing in the organization. Oboro is able to tell, that she is being manipulated, and plans to double-crossing him, without making it too obvious. Using the Taimanin Task Force, which hunt after her to run into Fürst, she afterward performs the important deals with Task Force G herself. Oboro also helps to ease the internal nomad conflict and those with minor mafias. As a result, she rises the ranks and gains much more popularity than Fürst, which is putting up a smile but internally is filled with rage, as he has been out tricked.

Timeline GOGO![]

GOGO Oboro

A number of games took place but others did not. GOGO takes place instead of Taimanin Asagi 3.

Since the events of the Chaos Arena, Oboro and Asagi fought day and night for 10 years. As peace between humans and demons is established, and a treaty is signed, even Nomad is dissolved by Edwin Black. Black joins Gosha Academy but Oboro remains steadfast in her hate for Asagi. Now together with a small number of Nomad members, she causes often trouble for the next generation of Taimanin but is often defeated by the "isekaied" Shinobu. Using her New Nomad, to infiltrate Gosha Academy, she only causes minor troubles, often other Taimanin on the "good side" cause significantly more destruction by being careless, much to Oboro's frustration to remain relevant.

Additional Material[]

  • She appears a few times in the OVAs. In the first OVA, she will not fuse with Sawaki Kyousuke but has turned him into a monster instead. Like in the true ending, she is killed by Asagi and Sakura working together.
  • Oboro is seen in the second OVA in her vampire form as part of the bad ending of the Visual Novels. However, her clone is not kept alive like in that bad ending, and is instead killed.
  • In the third OVA, Oboro remains alive, in a bad ending scenario which has her normally dead in the visual novels.
  • Taimanin Asagi: The Dark Game is an original manga playing after TA2 and before TY. In this story, Asagi and Sakura confront Kaliya once more and later Oboro. This is the first "canon" encounter after TA1, as vampire Oboro is not seen by Asagi in TA2's true ending.


Oboro Ultimate

Main Weapon: Metal Claws

  • Ninja Art: "Seal of Hypnotism" able to control movement and behavior of a person, Oboro uses this ability to force Asagi to lose in the Chaos Arena. She is able to stop the movement of a person or force them to do simple physical actions. The condition is that the victim holds, or wears, an item, which had been influenced by Oboro. This at first seems like a big limit but because Oboro is a ninja, she is able to move quickly enough, to force small accessories on her targets quickly.
    • Stops and controls movements of enemies as long as in sight.
    • Berserker Unleash: Can also remove limits on targets, turning them into a self-destructive berserker, which starts to bleed from the inside.
  • Parasite Form: Takes over a host to remain hidden, can grow tentacles or genitals of choice. This form is only seen in TA1 and TABA but might not be in use due to vanity.
    • Full host control: Can appear as her host or switch into her Oboro form.
    • Tentacles: Can grow tentacles.
  • Vampire Form: After her revival in Taimanin Asagi 2 she gained this power from Edwin Black, giving her regeneration abilities.
    • Regeneration: By drinking blood.
    • Weak to sunlight: As Oboro is only a simple vampire, she is weak to sunlight and prefers to move at night or within buildings. This makes movement at day not impossible.
  • General Ninja Techniques: "Oboro Avatar", can create 10 illusion copies of herself.
  • Poison Claws: She uses poison to take out Ingrid with that, but normally doesn't use it.
  • Particle Control: Taimanin are able to manipulate Taima Particles to enhance their physical strength, speed and defense. The particles are also used to counter demonic influences and strengthen damage to demons. It is possible that Oboro is not able to fully use this ability anymore.



  • She is a vampire, but sunlight seems not to be deadly and might just make her weaker. In TABA at least, beach events are done only under an artificial sun, thanks to holographic tech.
  • Oboro is not aware that the "Masked Taimanin" is her original self.
  • At the point, she was turned into a vamire, she does not visually age anymore. She is still constantly called older by most characters, including Asagi.
  • Oboro's age is hard to pin down for multiple reasons, just one being a resurrected corpse and not the original. However, in most timelines (ZERO, RPGX, Canon, TABA), Oboro was a few years older than Asagi. Old enough to be her homeroom teacher in ZERO, which creates possibly an age difference of 4–5 years. April fool material of the age of the evil Oboro is given with 28 but without disclosing if around TA or TA3. This would fit well with a 23 year old Asagi in TA1. Should the 28 been meant the TA3 version, this would make her 18 for TA1, which makes that an unlikely case. As such Oboro would have been 25 in the ONT Conflict, 28 in TA, 29 in TA2 and 38 in TA3 and TABA. Meaning she stopped aging visually around age of 28 as well. However, this information needs to be still taken with a grain of salt, as at least for some characters the ages are made wrong on purpose. The same april fool infoboxes make Koukawa Oboro and Ingrid 18, which is impossible no matter how you look at it.
  • There is a possible but not confirmed retcon in her backstory. In TA2, her clone claims that Oboro had been working for the Chinese Union as a double agent but after her defeat past the ONT Conflict, she had gone crazy after her revival and forgotten about it. This is never referenced afterward and actually somewhat impossible given the soul separation and brainwashing by Nomad. It might be that, back in TA1 and TA2 her true backstory was not fully formed, her sister Li Mayfeng does in fact work for a Chinese Union mafia but in Oboro's case she seems just to be selfish oriented. Regardless this does not mean this is 100% a retcon, this information does come from Oboro (Clone), which is loyal to the Chinese Union and has artificial memories. This "backstory addition" might just be something to keep the clone convinced to remain loyal.
  • Oboro's total death count depends on, who you consider to be "Oboro" and what you consider a true death or her being defeated and not dead. However, in the worst case; Oboro the original dies to Black, dies again in the ONT conflict, dies again in TA, her clone dies in TA2, both the Masked Taimanin (Oboro) and evil Oboro die in TA3 regardless of true route as well. Which makes 6 deaths, but the evil Oboro "we know" only dies 3 times.
  • Oboro's Ninja Arts are not her own, and have been implanted by Fürst. The origin of this power is unknown, but it can be assumed that just like with Sawaki Kosuke, "Thorns of Flame", so it could be assumed the ability was taken from another dead Taimanin.
  • It is also implied that after the real death of Koukawa Oboro, her soul returned to her body, but was corrupted. However, the wording is vague and could just mean she noticed the death of her original.
  • She was forced to be a slave alongside Asagi and Sakura in the bad ending route of TA1.
  • Physically weaker than Asagi, she will mostly avoid a direct confrontation if she can't win.
  • Obo Cat is only seen in Taimanin RPGX, it isn't clear if she has the cat also in other timelines.
  • Oboro dislikes her tentacle form in TA1, thinking it does not look the best.
  • Oboro is unable to have children, after her tranformation into a vampire. This is not the case of all vampires, but is mentioned in a TABA event, in which she does not feel bad about that fact.
  • In the Canon Universe, her Ninja Art is limited, as it requires an item another person needs to wear, to work, it might be that she always sneaks in items that can act as her trigger even when not seen.


"So you're finally awake ♪ A reunion with an old friend, eh? It's been a while, Asagi ♪"
— Oboro mocking Asagi after a capture.[src]
"You're really no different from the old days, are you? Instantly becoming emotional when it comes to men. Eh, Asagi? Of course, I remember. The younger brother of Sawaki Kyousuke, whom you killed --Kousuke, wasn't? Your dear, dear Kou-kuuuun, right? Fufufu, you have quite a nerve, don't you? After you killed that man, to fill the hole by bringing up his little brother...Ahahahaha. You literally filled the hole, right?!"
— Mocking Asagi, over her dating habit[src]
"Ufufu ♪ The opposite! I will make Asuka kill Asagi. Then, everything will turn out fine ♪"
— Oboro thinking about a way to get rid of Asagi, without Black complaining.[src]
"Such a kind little knight. Your damsel's ready to give you a kiss."
— Oboro mocking Fuuma Kotaro, as commands Su Jinglei not to torture after her capture.[src]


Notes and references[]

  1. Lilith-soft Profile Page
  2. Action Taimanin Profile