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Taimanin Wiki

Hisui Yuri (由利 翡翠) is a Taimanin who usually fights on the front lines.

She appears in all Online Universes.


Hisui doesn't talk much and is overall a woman of little if any words. She rarely or slowly reacts to other people, seemingly mostly removed from what is going on at the moment, with her thoughts somewhere else.

When she's not on duty, she tends to stay in a daze, and doesn't really stand out in combat training. However, she is not a misanthrope, and has a strong sense of camaraderie, and will not tolerate anyone hurting her. Friends. She can become stubborn and reckless if pushed, even hurting herself in the process.

While, she often works on her own, she does so in the hope that her teammates will not be injured. This can lead to rather reckless behavior at times, as she values her own health less, than the defeat of a powerful and dangerous enemy, just to protect her friends, and will even ignore some protocol.


She has red/brown hair with a single long braid, her eyes are green.

Symbols cover her arm.

Wears a green full body battle suit.


Yuri Hisui 5


Hisui is a Taimanin of Gosha Village but tends to keep to herself.

As a frontline fighter, she is very respected, even though she seems to be somewhere else with her thoughts at all times.

She lives a very simple life and has no hobbies, but she likes to play with the wild birds that she feeds.

Timeline TABA[]

Defeated by Fuuma Kotaro drove Hisui to search out Kiryu Sabato and get her true strength forced out. Now unhinged and in danger of dying to her own Ninja Art. When Fuuma Kotaro defeats once more, he ordered Kiryu Mikoto, sister of Sabato, to heal Hisui.

It was somewhat unclear if she was still a student of Gosha in this timeline, as she often worked fully alone.

Timeline RPGX[]

Supported the Independent Commando Unit and often observed Fuuma Kotaro her junior from the distance. Year 2084, appeared during events on the beach involving Crackle. Appeared in other minor ways afterward. Defended Gosha Village against the united forces of the reformed Igawa Elder Revolt Group.

Timeline Action[]

Known as a senior student of Gosha Academy. Can support the Taimanin Task Force.


Main Weapon: Khakkhara

  • Ninja Art: "Eclipse Meld/Power Absorption" the longer a fight goes and the more hits Hisui dishes out or gets hit with, the stronger her own attacks will become, for a limited period of time. She absorbs the strength and energy of her enemies, but this is done over a very long time, which can be a risk.
  • Particle Control: Taimanin are able to manipulate Taima Particles to enhance their physical strength, speed and defense. The particles are also used to counter demonic influences and strengthen damage to demons.



  • Against her calm nature in TABA she wishes to take down Fuuma Kotaro to a self harming degree.
  • Her name Hisui means "Jade".

